Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Fun!!!

Mariah and I carved our pumpkins today. I did most of the work but she volunteered to do the messy part...guts and seeds!! Anyway, we had fun! I did not get any progressive pictures but below are the ones of the finished product.

Mariah and her doggy pumpkin

Mommy's silly face pumpkin

Halloween Fun!

Everyone WATCH OUT

There is a Ninja loose in the area

She is quite strong and scary


Mariah's New Toy

So, Mariah got a gift of money from her great grandma and so she picked out this lovely gift. She was very excited...she paid for it all by herself and was so proud of herself for picking out such a wonderful item.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Photo Challenge

Ok, so I am taking a challenge presented on a friends blog. You need to post the sixth picture from the sixth file in your picture file on your computer. That is post away. Mine is below! Leave me a comment if you are going to do it and I will check yours out!

This is the closet where our washer and dryer are.
I took the photo before we moved in!

Tricia :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ladies Retreat 2008

Last weekend we had a Ladies Retreat for our church that was loads of fun. We dealt with the subject of having a Mary heart in a Martha world...which basically means we need to put intimacy with the Lord above all the business in our lives. Great topic...much learning...much fun!! We were up until 4 am just talking on Friday night (breakfast was at 8:30). We were SO tired Saturday but it was a great experience!

Below are some pictures of the weekend. Enjoy!!

All the ladies

*We have bible study at her house each Monday*

*I co-run the Kidz Zone in church with this lovely lady*

*We laughed a lot on Friday night*

*Pepsi got us all through to 4 am

*I had fun...this was Saturday I look tired? I did not do my hair so instead I donned this lovely hat...doesn't it bring out lack of style!?!?*

Tricia :)

My desires...becoming His

I have been spending my devotion time with the Lord learning how to pray. I have been going through "Becoming A Woman Of Prayer" by Cynthia Heald. Today I was learning about God's desires in relation to how I am praying to Him. This quote below really stuck out at me and I wanted to share it with you. I pray that it opens your eyes and hearts as much as it did mine!

Initially, I responded to His call to delight in Him to ensure the fulfillment of His promise to give me the desires of my heart. I had no idea that He would give me a new heart (Jer. 24:7). I didn't know that He would begin working in me to reproduce His own heart. When I turned to Him, I found that He Himself is my very great reward (Gen. 15:1). He is not, as I had supposed, the means to my end. He is the desire of my heart.

Jennifer Kennedy Dean

Tricia :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

National Popcorn Poppin' Month-October

It is that time again...when we celebrate a holiday for the month. There were so many choices to make but this one just popped off the page at me (get it...popped...popcorn...HAHAHAHA). Anyway, we celebrate National Popcorn Poppin' Month for October. So...go get some popcorn and pop it. Have fun, be creative. You could make popcorn balls for the Halloween guests. You could have movie night...every night!!! Whatever you choose, try to enjoy the kernel that is popcorn...and pop it!!!

Tricia :)