Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things I am thankful for...

I got this off a friends blog. You do yours and let me know on a comment.

1. Our awesome God
2. amazing husband
3. Mariah...our super great daughter
4. My two great sisters, Danielle and Kate
5. My parents
6. Gummy Candy
7. A roof over my head
8. Pizza...only $8 at Walmart...very good buy, very good taste
9. My job
10. My bed
11. Brownies...making those in a few minutes...YUM
12. Pay Day
13. Eyes that work
14. Warm blankets
15. My favorite sweatshirt
16. Friends
17. The steakhouse burger at Burger good
18. Grandparents
19. My church family
20. Health

How about you?

Monday, November 17, 2008

New blog look...and other musings

I have a new look and name. I thought it was about time!! So, enjoy this for the winter....which around here will be half the year!!

I am realizing that I do not blog much anymore. Not sure what that is all about. I think maybe I was having fun for awhile and lost some interest. Either way, I will try to make it more regular. about a family update?!

Mariah is doing well. I can't believe she will be 4 in May. It seems like just yesterday she was born and now I have a almost 4 year old. My Mom always told me that this would happen but I think until it don't really believe it. She is always doing something new...always testing the boundaries. I will admit that this is fun...most of the time. Sometimes I struggle with where to put a boundary and how to keep it without alot of argument but...well, I am learning new stuff too.

Jeremy is great! I have really fallen in love with him again over this last 2 years with all the surgeries and stuff I have gone through. He has been an amazing support. I would not have made it without him and Mariah to make me smile when it was tough. I love him with all my heart! Thanks hunny for being the amazing man and father that you are!! I can't wait for the rest of our life together!

I am doing good too! I am finally done with surgeries...for now I guess. My eyes are improving all the time and I am so thankful to God that I can see. It is a real gift to have eyes that work and I have really come to know that this year. I had 5 teeth (3 wisdom teeth and 2 bad molars) pulled this last month and that was really a great great as that can be. I had almost no pain and it healed very quickly.

We as a family are really looking forward to some great stuff this year. First, January 17 we are going on our first family least first one where we are flying. We are headed to Florida for a whole week...with the rest of my family...for a fun time together! Can't wait!!

Also, we are going to be trying for baby #2 so hopefully that will happen this year. I am ready...beyond add more little people to this house. So...hopefully I will have fun news in a few months!!

Anyway, that is all for now! Hope and pray all of you are doing well! Thanks for stopping by.

Tricia :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

National Peanut Butter Lovers Month-November

I do so apologize...I am behind by a few days. Wow, November already!!

So, this month we celebrate the love of Peanut Butter. I must say that I have a love for peanut butter...especially when it is inside of chocolate! SO, enjoy the peanut butter lovlyness this month. Have yourself a daily pb & j or maybe a daily Reese! Anyway, enjoy and do tell of all the peanut butter fun on a comment!

Tricia :)