Sunday, February 15, 2009

100th Post

Ok, so here I am...finally! As far as pictures go, still not done getting those sorted. So that will have to wait!

How do you like the new layout? I do live in a cheerio and peanut butter and jelly world so that is "The Life I Live."

As for the promise of giveaways. I have been thinking through this one. I have decided what to do.

Oh, did you want to know? Here you order to win the prize (to be announced what that will be), you need to post a comment on this post. Simple...not quite! The comment must contain an interesting story about me. How you know me. How we met. Something goofy I did when we used to hang out. Anything like that.

I will leave it open until next week, Sunday at 8:30 pm. You have until then to try to win. I will, along with "my people" (Jeremy), decide which is the most interesting and announce it next week in a new post!

So, have fun and may the best man or woman win!!!

Tricia :)

4 thoughts on the post:

anne said...

Well, the first thing I thought of (when reading from my google reader before I even got to your page!) was that you used to eat dry Cheerios in the car on the way to school. Every. Day. :)

I don't remember how we really met. Our moms probably. But we shared rides for years. I remember playing in your yard/driveway and riding in the good ol' yellow fisher price car.

Good times, man. Good times.

I call an extra point for being First!

Dawn said...

This is too good to pass up!
First of all...I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday.
The hubs and I inflated the bazillion balloons for your wedding reception.
I would have to say...
...lights on in the parking lot...OOPS!?...
is my interesting memory to share. And you KWIM. I know you do.

BTW~ I love, love, love the new look!
Have a good week.

Anna said...

Tricia, thanks for visiting my blog. Love yours!! Ok, so as far as memories, I had a blast working in the back of the seminary with you and Becky Weeks. I remember the countless times you (and all of us for that matter) had to fight with that dumb copier!! Also, all the great Wed. morning prayer times.

Anonymous said...

Ok so I read your post and thought OOOoo.. i got this. Now i'm sit here is it that your SISTER is having the most trouble with the story thing!

I don't remember the moment we met, you could tell that better than me!

Ok so this story just popped into my head so I'm gonna tell it...worst part is I have two different times in my head and I'm not sure which one your comment was made during..but you'll see!

Our family (including Grandma and Grandpa Osborn) was at the game park in South Africa...there we were driving along looking for animals when we:
1) found an elephant and dad thought it was a great idea to get really close, so of course we annoyed the elephant!
2) found two rhino butts (for others reading I say butts because we never really did see much of their faces since we Followed them for MILES!) and dad again thought it would be awesome to get really close.
at which point (whatever animal it was) got ticked, stopped, turned and looked at us and stomped it's foot. Mom yells: "Paul Christian back up the car!" Danielle is sitting silent and WIDE EYED. I yell: "Oh no, it's mad" Grandma calmly says: "Paul maybe you should back up". And you ever so YOU like Yell out from the back seat "I'M GOING TO POOP MY PANTS!"

Ahh the memories! Good times!

P.s. Poppy Seed or PUMP-O-NICKLE?!?