Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Evening Babbling

So, it is Sunday evening...just after 11pm and I am up still. Not totally sure why but not really that tired so I thought I would post something. I am sure you are all tired of my last post with the "beautiful" pictures of my recovering eyes is something else to look at.

I relearned something today....happiness is a choice. I had many opportunities to not be happy today, for whatever reason, but I decided to just let that go. I have discovered that I am a much more fun person to be around (of course me not having much of a choice in that) when I choose to be happy, regardless of a circumstance.

It was a BEAUTIFUL day here in PA. We had a church picnic after the service today at a local park. It is so much fun to be around people who are your friends outside of the "church" the "real world" outside. Our church is such a family and it is so awesome to just hang out with each other and encourage each other. Some time if you are in the Mt. Pocono, PA area you should come join us in our worship services. We really enjoy worshiping God together and I think you would find it refreshing.

Well, as my title says....I am just babbling tonight. Felt like getting some things out of my head and on "paper" or computer...whatever!

So, leave me a comment about your day...babble if you want...or don't. I just wanted to have something new on my blog page...and of course..."talking", whatever it's form, is something I love to do!! All the pictures I added are random and just for something cool to look at.

I just realized only 10 more days until the next monthly holiday post! I hope you are ready for more fun!! I know I am!

Until next time...I bid you farewell. Have a great week!

Tricia :)

4 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I new post. I've been waiting! I love the cartoons by the way! I can't wait to see you's getting closer!!!! I love you!

DGTDDMD said...

choosing happiness is such a big thing for me. this week we have a 103 campers and we are overflowing. we have been praying that the Lord would give us 400 campers this summer. we prayed for that last summer as well, but only had 290. this summer we prayed again for 400 but we only bought 350 camper tee-shirts. Now we have more campers then we have tees for and i am having to do a lot of extra work to move beds around, and i am finding myself complaining. so i have to stop and remind myself that i asked God for this! why am i not happy?
Praise God for the things he does for us even when we may not expect him to answer.


Anonymous said...

So much of life is about perspective, isn't it? I saw a quote once that I thought was funny, but true:

"Have you ever noticed that the common thread in all your dysfunctional relationships is you?"

NOT that I think you are dysfunctional! LOL! Just that from what you've pointed out tonight, I thought you'd get a chuckle out of that. Are you like me--you read that and there are some people who immediately come to mind? If only they had your perspective on choosing happiness!

And, what have I been up too? Well, today I have to go to a birthday party which I forgot all about until this morning...Must run to Wal*Mart!!! Yikes!

I am glad you are recovering. I hope all was very successful with your surgery.

rachel said...

Thanks for coming by...I sometimes visit here after reading your comments on my mother's blog. I like looking at all the photos of your fam, etc. Our family is doing well. Loving summer while we will start up the last week in August. Email me at psalm35_28(at)yahoo(dot)com if you would like the weekly newsletter that my husband sends out regarding ministry here. I'll be back...