Monday, June 30, 2008

Home Recovering

Hey all! Well, I am home recovering from surgery number 3 and doing well. I want to thank all of you who have been praying and I will keep you posted.

On another note, go here to read something I think we all need to read. I found this blog through another friends and have enjoyed his writings. He is a pastor in the Outer Banks and I think it is worth your time to read the blog.

Anyway, I will keep you posted on how I am feeling!

Tricia :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Random Fun

I just thought I would post some random pictures of the family from our most recent visits together.

Luis and Baby Gabriel
This is my sister-in-law, Jenn, husband and their son.
We were with them all this last weekend.

Mariah in Aunt Becky and Dan's pool this past weekend

Mariah and Uncle Doug
This is Danielle's husband

Mariah with Aunt DeDe (Danielle)

Grandpa, are you sleeping?
Mariah with my Dad

Mariah and Grandma O.

My sister Kate

My nephew Gabriel
I love this little boy!

Tricia :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Three Sisters together again!

Yesterday Mariah, Kate, and I went up to New Life Island for a fun day together. My sister Danielle lives there with her husband, Doug who is on staff. Kate is in town for a wedding this weekend so we decided to make a day of it and spend time together....the three of us (and Mariah). We had a fun day! Enjoy the pics....some may not make sense to you but if you knew us....well you would get it!

Danielle getting her hair dyed...after all...that is why Kate comes (just kidding!)

Danielle (a.k.a Foil Head) playing while she waits

Me getting my haircut...Thanks Kate!!

The Three Sisters

Ok, here comes the...interesting part!!

Laughing REALLY hard... Kate read this book

You can only imagine....SOOO FUNNY!!

This may help you to imagine!!

So, we had a really great day...just hanging out! I miss these girls when we are not together. Happily we get a chance to be together for Labor Day weekend. The best part is we get a whole week together in January for a trip to FLORIDA!!! Can't wait!!

Tricia :)

Trip to the Zoo

We had this fun day after Mariah's little party day! It was a great time and Mariah loved all the animals. I will spare you all the animal pictures but you can enjoy us enjoying the day!

With Grandma O. checking out the lemurs

Look, Grandma found a wandering
monkey...cutest one I have ever seen!

With Daddy seeing the Elephants

With Mommy feeding the goats

Waiting for the camel ride

Yes....I am on a camel...Mariah loved, not so much!

So, we had a great time. There are many more pictures but these were the highlights of the day! Needless to say, I am zoo-ed out for a little while!

Tricia :)

Mariah's Birthday Party

Yes, I know, that was over a month ago but I have just now gotten all the pictures from those who took them. of the day!


Had to play right away....after our bath

The cake...Mommy made is a Candyland cake
Do you see the theme???

We are a little excited about the cake!

Blowing out the candles

(This was actually after the other one...we got dressed)

We actually had this party at my sister's place...combined with my brother-in-laws graduation party weekend. It was a great, short little party!

Tricia :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To the father of my little girl:
You are a wonderful father. Mariah always wants to be with you and you always make time for her. You are such a great example to her of how to live for Christ and we are seeing that in how she prays at night and asks about God all the time. Thank you for all you do for us! You work hard every day to provide for us...even though you really do not like your job. You come home, tired, but so happy to see us and ready to play with Mariah. I appreciate you so much! Happy Father's Day!

To my husband:
I love you more than words can say. You are so supportive of me and loving that words can not really express how I feel. Thank you for standing by me this last year and a half of surgeries and recovery. Not once have you complained about helping when I was too tired. Not once have you said to get over it when I was having a hard time with healing. I am so thankful for you and all that you are. I appreciate you so much!

To the other daddies out there: Happy Father's Day! May you have a great day celebrating with the children who make it possible for you to have this day!

Tricia :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Swingset/Playground is DONE!!!

This has been quite the 2 week process. Mariah got a swing set/playground from her grandparents and aunts and uncles for her birthday. Jeremy and I have been putting it together off and on for 2 weeks. We are SO GLAD it is DONE. Below is the process in full color photos...enjoy!

First step...the Slide. Jeremy had the joy of doing that
alone because I had not made it home yet!

Step two....the rock wall/ladder for the side...this one I helped with!

Steps three-twelve...this thing you see above..basically the frame.

Getting closer...walls are up!

Mariah was a really good helper!

TaDa....finished product!

Mariah showing off the main section

The swings

The slide...and Mariah trying it out!

The picnic bench and potential sand for now

Mariah enjoying the swings

All in all, this was fun. Jeremy does not want to do this again....EVER! But Mariah is going to enjoy it for a long time so we are happy it is up.

Tricia :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

National Candy Month-June

It is a new month and therefore time to celebrate a new holiday. I hope you all enjoyed your eggs and all that went along with celebrating them last month.

As most of you who truly know me know, I have a major love for CANDY!!! What better holiday to celebrate then National Candy Month. This now gives me the excuse to eat as much as I want this month. So, celebrate your candy, whatever your fav (mine being anything gummy), and enjoy this most joyous holiday with friends!!

Have a great month!

Tricia :)

Update: Yellow gummy bears are out of the celebration...don't ask, just comply!!