Sunday, June 1, 2008

National Candy Month-June

It is a new month and therefore time to celebrate a new holiday. I hope you all enjoyed your eggs and all that went along with celebrating them last month.

As most of you who truly know me know, I have a major love for CANDY!!! What better holiday to celebrate then National Candy Month. This now gives me the excuse to eat as much as I want this month. So, celebrate your candy, whatever your fav (mine being anything gummy), and enjoy this most joyous holiday with friends!!

Have a great month!

Tricia :)

Update: Yellow gummy bears are out of the celebration...don't ask, just comply!!

6 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

yummy gummy - DITTO!

Dawn said...

I can't imagine where in the world you got that love for candy...


Mandie said...

I think one candy should be excluded from the celebration: yellow gummy bears. :-)

Andria said...

Now this is a celebration I can get into! I will think of you every time I eat something sweet, but only if it doesn't mean that next month in National Diet Month...

Mandie said...

Hehe. I love your addendum ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for candy month!!!! I am totally for celebrating this one!! I'll have to bring some with me for a party!