Saturday, August 16, 2008

Feeling off today

Do you ever have a day where you That is me today.....I have these feelings of just wanting to pick of my precious family, whatever we can get in both cars, and skip town to start a new life. I know that makes no sense being that my husband has a job, we have a fabulous church family, and we know this is where God has us right now. But....there are days that are off.

I want to feel different, I want to be joyful...but instead I am choosing bumming. I am happy...with my family, with where God has us....but I still feel like something is missing. Maybe it is just that I need to be in the Word more. Maybe it is God doing something in our life that I can't see yet. Maybe I am coming up on my monthly "friend" and I just feel moody. Whatever the is what it is today.

So, tomorrow is the day we go and worship together with our church family. I hope these feelings go away with sleep tonight....but what if they don't? What do I do then?

I guess the answer should be obvious....I need to give it over to God. I need to get off myself and focus on what He wants....things that are lovely, things that are of good repute....but I find that difficult today.

So....I can't tell you what I will do next. I can tell you that I will be fine. I can tell you that my God is bigger than any feeling I have. I can tell you that whatever tomorrow brings....I will push through.

Thanks for listening!

Tricia :)

PS- Update: I am doing better now (7:45 pm). I just had to get it off my chest!

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