Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bad news...doing ok with it

Well, I went to an oral surgeon today to consult about some bad teeth. Looks like I will be having surgery (again) on October 24 to remove 5 (yes that is five) teeth from my mouth. I have 3 wisdom teeth that are becoming a problem and 2 teeth that had previous root canals and have fallen apart.

Well, I knew things were not good but I was not ready for this. Plus the out-of-pocket cost is very high and a bit scary. I have to say that I did not have a good reaction to this or what I was facing financially and physically (sorry Mom).

Things have changed tonight though. I had a few moments on the way to the bank and to pick up some rolls for dinner tomorrow. I was alone...just me and God. I didn't really say much to Him, I just kind of listened. I came to the conclusion that although this REALLY STINKS, I am going to choose to be ok with it and let Him work out the details.

Why am I telling you this? Because I need prayer. I really want to allow God to work through this...allow Him to have the control and just wait and listen to His plan. I can't change has to be. I had to do with all the other surgeries...I am choosing to be ok with it. I don't think I will ever like it, ever want it...but I WILL be ok with it.

I don't have a choice, really. I know that we all have the choice to be selfish and think "Why me" but as a follower of Christ, that is not an option for me.

So, please pray that will continue to be my outlook. It will be a daily thing but I know in His strength I can do it!

Thanks for listening (reading)!

Tricia :)

Update: I posted this last night just to ask for prayer and let you know what I wanted to do about it. Well, this morning God provided!! I got a call from someone and all the money we need to pay for the procedure is coming in the mail. The coolest things is that God had this money set aside before we even knew we needed it. Praise our amazing God for what He has done! I owe Him all the praise and thanks, and of course thank you to the special ones who God is using to help us! AMEN!!!!

5 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

It is always hard to let go and let God....isn't it? I don't have teeth problems (right now) but I understand the financial thing...I am praying for you...(1) for your comfort in the Holy Spirit, (2) for your patience with God's will, (3) for your understanding that all work out like it is suppose to, and (4) that you experience little pain...
love ya trish..have a great day!

Danielle's World said...

I love you sister. I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Yay for God's ultimate knowledge!!!!!

Danielle's World said...

Praise God!! It is so awesome to see how He works in our lives. I love you Tricia. Thank you for your faithfulness, it is such an encouragement to me.

DGTDDMD said...

i am so happy for you guys. Danielle told me all about it. praise God!