Friday, November 20, 2009

Goodbye blogger!

I think my blogging days have come to an end...I will be following all of you just have lost the can find me at Facebook however!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mariah being cute

Just a video of Mariah being goofy...making up her own song on a beautiful spring day!

Tricia :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Got creative today

I felt like doing something creative and relaxing I painted some wood picture frames. I used to paint stuff all the time before the little ones started to join the family! I miss it...hope I can keep it up once baby boy shows least on some "me time" if that ever happens. Anyway, below are the 4 frames I did today...enjoy!! (They are not the best camera is being weird)

One for a photo of Mariah

One for of a photo of baby boy...when he comes!

One for a photo of both Gifts

One for a photo of my fabulous husband

Tricia :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mariah's 4th Birthday

Here are some pics of Mariah's 4th birthday. I can't believe she is 4 already! Where does the time go?

Most of my pics are on go there and view them all...if you are not a friend you can become one but you should be able to see the photos either way.

Have a good week!

Baby boy is growing great. Can't wait for him to be here so my bladder and insides get a little break from the boxing and kicking matches. I will keep you up to date!

Tricia :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's a BOY!!

For those who have not heard...we are having a boy!! All of us are very excited! Mariah took a few days to get used to the fact that she was not getting the sister she asked for but she is happy about the baby boy now!

Below are some recent pics of fun times!

We visited Chucky Cheese while at my parents in March

Mariah's favorite friend Bob the Builder

And now for some video of the final break into the great outdoors...spring is attempting to make an entrance in these parts. Mariah wanted to sing this song for Grandma but you can all enjoy too (turn up the volume a bit...she sings quietly).

Have a super week!

Tricia :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Good stuff to read

Ok...I have been following this blog for some time. This post is a really good one! This is what our country needs for sure! Read it when you have time...worth the few minutes.

Tricia :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Vacation Pictures...FINALLY!

Ok, so I got myself together (after a cold that lasted a week and a half) and finally got the pictures organized. So...below are some of the best ones and an explanation of each. Enjoy!!!

Mom, Mariah and me waiting for
the train in Busch Gardens

I love vacation!!!! You do to...don't you?

All the "kids" posing at Sea World
(a little cold that day)

By far her favorite ride at Busch Gardens
(she has the brown GAP sweatshirt on)

Danielle and Mariah being
"Polar Bears" in Sea World

This was a HUGE jungle gym that went
REALLY high. Mariah LOVED it!!

(she is in there somewhere)

She met a new friend
(she loves all the characters...not scared at all)

All the girls posing on Shamu

The whole family (including Grandma and Grandpa Murdock)

Four Generations

One last picture but first an explanation. We spent most of the time...well, when we were not hopping around my Grandparents house. They have a lot of really neat pictures that have been hanging in their house for years. This last picture is actually a picture of a picture. See if you can guess who it is!

Who am I?

Hope that satisfied for now! We had so much fun and I want to go back now seeing how it is still only 30 degrees here in PA!! Warm Florida sounds really nice right now!

Tricia :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

We have a winner!

Ok, so not to many of you loverly people decided to participate but those who did...thanks and it was fun to remember!

The winner is Anne. It has nothing to do with the extra point she claimed (however that was good). We just chose her memory as the best one. Thanks to everyone who celebrated my 100th post with this fun memory game.

Anne, just email me your address and I will send you a little something soon!

Tricia :)

Just a side note: The comment that my sister wrote was very close to winning...reason I decided not to choose her is because I did not want to show favorites...her being my sis and all! Love you Kate!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

100th Post

Ok, so here I am...finally! As far as pictures go, still not done getting those sorted. So that will have to wait!

How do you like the new layout? I do live in a cheerio and peanut butter and jelly world so that is "The Life I Live."

As for the promise of giveaways. I have been thinking through this one. I have decided what to do.

Oh, did you want to know? Here you order to win the prize (to be announced what that will be), you need to post a comment on this post. Simple...not quite! The comment must contain an interesting story about me. How you know me. How we met. Something goofy I did when we used to hang out. Anything like that.

I will leave it open until next week, Sunday at 8:30 pm. You have until then to try to win. I will, along with "my people" (Jeremy), decide which is the most interesting and announce it next week in a new post!

So, have fun and may the best man or woman win!!!

Tricia :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some vacation fun!

Ok, I said I would do this like 2 weeks ago but I lost track of time. Jeremy got a nasty cold as soon as we got home and is just now feeling ok. are some of the pictures from Florida. I will get some more up soon.

Incidentally....I will be having a give away during the next post because it will be my 100th post. So, be looking for some fun giveaways and such next time I show up!

Now for the pictures!!!

Mariah on one of her favorite rides at Busch Gardens

Taking a "ride" on the turtle at Busch Gardens

Shamu...this was a cool show at Sea World

Ok, so I will be back soon with more to show you. Just didn't want you to think I forgot!

Tricia :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

We are back

Just a brief note to say....WE ARE HOME! Not very excited about it though. Even though it was in the low 60's all week...that really beats the freezing temps at home.

New plan...moving to FLORIDA!!

More to come in a few days....after I get back into the groove!

Tricia :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be back in a week

We are off to FLORIDA for a whole week starting Saturday. CAN NOT WAIT FOR SUN!! It is less then 20 degrees here today and I just want warmth. So, when we return I will again post some fun! Sorry for lack of post....I have been feeling rather eh with this first half of the pregnancy.

I am almost 10 weeks in so hopefully in a few weeks I will get some energy back. Saw the doctor yesterday and he said all things are fine. I will update you more later!!

Tricia :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our New Business

Well, I am hear to announce the launch of a website for the business that Jeremy and I started working in about a year ago. We are independent representatives for a company that offers services for all your communication and entertainment needs. Go here to see the website and see how we can save your family money on your services today.

Have a super week!

Tricia :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

National Skating Month-January

Ok, so January kind of snuck up on me. This month we will be celebrating skating. It is National Skating Month. Now, for those who live in a warm climate...regular roller skates will do. For those who are cold like us...I guess we will have to do the ice skating thing. Either way, skating is the name of the game! Hope you have fun!

We had a good time over Christmas with Jeremy's family. Always nice to get away. We are most excited about our trip to Florida in 15 days!!!! Can't not wait for the sun and fun!

Have a super month. Talk to you soon.

Tricia :)

I have decided to make this the last of my monthly holidays. I am...well...not wanting to do it there!!