Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ladies Day Out

This past Thursday I went with some of the ladies from my church to Lancaster to see the Sight and Sound production "Daniel." It was soooooo good!! After the show we had a great time shopping. If you haven't been to see Daniel yet, GO!! It is well worth it!

All of us in front of Sight and Sound

The ladies standing by the Amish buggy

The ladies is front of the beautiful trees that you see all over Lancaster

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Canal Museum

We also went to the Canal Museum that is right in the same building with the Crayola Factory. More fun pics below!!

It was a long day but we had a good time. All of us will sleep well tonight!

Tricia :)

Crayola Factory

We went to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA today! Fun times!!! Although little Miss Mariah was not the happiest person all day we still had fun. My sister Danielle and her husband Doug came along. We spent the weekend with them and this was a fun way to end it. These are just a few of the fun times!!

Tricia :)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reflecting back

I feel like reflecting. I am right now as I write this listening to a song that my wonderful husband used to play for me when we were dating. I say used to because he has not played the piano in a very long time. The song is "To Take....To Hold" by Yanni. I have probably listened to it about 6 times since I first put it in tonight. It reminds me of when I first fell in love with him.

We were in high school. We would sneak off to the church auditorium (I went to a Christian school held in a church building). He would play it for me until we got caught; a few times our music teacher would "pretend" she didn't see us and let us stay. I would just watch him play and imagine spending forever with him. I may have been 17 but I knew we would be together forever. I don't know how I knew....I just did!

I remember our first "date." I was having a Christmas party at my house after the school Christmas concert. I had invited all of my friends including my current boyfriend (who ironically was named Jeremy too). I realized that night that I no longer wanted to be dating this other Jeremy for many reasons, one of which was he wanted to marry me and have "relations" before even talking to my parents or me about it. Praise God that ended!!! Anyway, back to the party. So I dumped the bum and invited Jeremy (the good one) to come instead. My best friends at the time were Erin and Tammi (Erin still is). They thought it was a great idea to invite him but later got kind of "annoyed" that I had. I pretty much ignored them all evening.

We had our first kiss that night too. We were running around in the snow outside. I had stolen his hat (flirting of course) and he was chasing me. We landed in the snow bank and it happened...the first kiss of many! I will never forget that night!

So many wonderful things have happened since that first night. I will go into more detail maybe in later blogs. I love Jeremy Rexford Knapp with every ounce of my being! I can't wait to grow old together and tell our grand kids all about our lives.

Jeremy....if I asked you....would you marry me again? I want to share forever with you! I want to be there when you hurt. I want to be there when you have great times (like tomorrow when we know....your new toy). I can't wait until we are old and have our house with the little porch and we can sit on it together and just talk. I love just talking with you. You are my soul mate, the love of my life! To take a quote from a card I gave you recently, "I don't always tell you right then and there when you're doing something that's making me fall in love with you all over again, but I want you to know that it happens all the time." I love you baby!

Tricia :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Good day

I had a great day! It started out with Mariah and I going to the monthly Mom's Group we go to. Had a great listening to a great speaker and socializing...Mariah playing with all her buds.

Then we went shopping for fun and ended up getting party stuff and cake mix to make a "We love Daddy" fun night. Mariah helped make and decorate the tasted great.

I got a call from my doctor's office (regular doc) and the eco I had on Monday came back normal. God is good!! The sleeping/sedative meds the doctor gave me so I can sleep are working and the heart palpitations are not really bothering me much now.

So many great things to be happy about and most of give God all the credit for! I am so thankful for days like these where I can give God thanks and also be able to look back on them on the not so good days!!

Have a super weekend!!!!

Tricia :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today is a new day. Today is a day that the Lord has made. Today the sun is shining. Today it is supposed to be 61 degrees. Today I love my husband. Today I love my daughter. Today, more than anything, I love my God. Today I want new eyes. Today I am making Italian beef stew. Today I need to give Mariah a bath. Today I will make blueberry muffins for Mom's Group. Today I choose to be content.

I can only live for today. Tomorrow is a different day and I will have to just wait until then to deal with what comes. Today I will live, to the best of my ability, to please the Lord and just be content.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Do you ever feel just overwhelmed by everything going on in life? You know that God is in control and don't doubt that at all. Somehow everything just seems to pile on all at once and you really just feel like crying.

That is me today! I know God has a plan for all the things He is allowing to come into my life I just feel like it is a huge weight. I know part of my feelings are I had to have an eco-cardiagram on Monday due to the fact that I have had heart palpitations since my brain surgery in January 2007. I am sure all is fine but it has gotten worse lately so my doctor wanted to make sure everything is ok. Anyway, if you think about me, can you say a prayer.

I am not sure why it is so hard to just lean on the Lord in these times but it is. The truth is in my head my heart just can't hear it right now. Depression?? I don't think so. Blues??? Maybe a little. Anyway, just be praying.

Thanks and have a super rest of the week!

Tricia :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Being a pastor's kid

All you pastor's kids out there (and everyone else really) have to read this. I have been praying for a special family and I got connected to this blog through them. It is worth a read for sure!!! The name of the article is "What you might not know about your pastor's kids" by Rick Lawrenson.

Tricia :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Sunday Jeremy and I have been married 6 years. We went out to celebrate tonight and had a great, quiet meal just the two of us. I am so happy!!

I just want to tell Jeremy how much I love him so the rest of you can just read and enjoy!

You are the love of my life. You have been so much more then the man I married, you are my best friend. I know everyone says these things all the time but I truly mean them. No matter what we have gone through, you have been there. This last year has been the most challenging for us with all my surgery and recovery but you never stopped being supportive. Even when I got really "hard to listen too" at times you just kept being there. You are a real example to me of how to trust God even when things are hard. Even when we are "scraping the bottom of the barrel" financially (which is most of the time) you never stop trying to think positive.

You are a real gift to me and Mariah. Speaking of are a super father. Mariah adores you and can't stop talking about you when you are at work all day. She wants to be with you all the time and even told me and grandma the other day she is going to marry you! That speaks volumes about how well you treat her, and me!

I just wanted you to know that on this day and every day I LOVE YOU!!

Love, Me

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring....where are you?

Seems I was wrong about the whole spring-being-here-soon thing. It is COLD outside and they actually called for sleet and possible SNOW tonight here in PA. Oh well, guess I will be moving down south soon (I wish).

So, I have been bored today trying to just hang at home, safe from the nasty cold weather. I think I probably should have been praying more. Or reading God's word more. Somehow even when I am bored I forget to do that! What is up with that??? Got to get better.

I have however been praying for our family friend Tricia Lawrenson. She is right now in Duke hospital recovering from a double lung transplant that she has been waiting for a long time. I am in awe of this little family. Her little girl, Gwyneth Rose, was born just a few weeks ago premature and doing great. God is so good and I see evidence of that in their lives. Her husband Nate is a real inspiration to be on how to have faith in the tough times. Check out there site here for more detailed information.

Well, I have nothing else really to speak of. If I think of more I will get back on and blog away. Have a super night!

Tricia :)


Ok, a little bit disturbed! Where is everyone? Why are we not participating in the wonderful monthly holiday fun?!?!?

I need (want) your feedback, your suggestions, ANYTHING!!!!

Ok, just a friendly beg session. You can go back to your regularly scheduled lives.

Tricia :)