Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today is a new day. Today is a day that the Lord has made. Today the sun is shining. Today it is supposed to be 61 degrees. Today I love my husband. Today I love my daughter. Today, more than anything, I love my God. Today I want new eyes. Today I am making Italian beef stew. Today I need to give Mariah a bath. Today I will make blueberry muffins for Mom's Group. Today I choose to be content.

I can only live for today. Tomorrow is a different day and I will have to just wait until then to deal with what comes. Today I will live, to the best of my ability, to please the Lord and just be content.


2 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

Today more than ever I have realized how much I am blessed with you (and Danielle) as my sisters! I don't know what I'd do without either of you in my life! And I thank God that He has blessed us with each other! Thank you! I love you!

DGTDDMD said...

I totally agree Kate. What an awesome God we serve and how cool to have amazing people in our lives that are there to encourage us along the way. I love you both so much! I do miss the time spent together, but I know that we are all where God has us for a reason.
I cannot wait for next weekend to see you guys! Sorry you cannot be here Kate, but I look forward to June when we can spend some time together.
