Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reflecting back

I feel like reflecting. I am right now as I write this listening to a song that my wonderful husband used to play for me when we were dating. I say used to because he has not played the piano in a very long time. The song is "To Take....To Hold" by Yanni. I have probably listened to it about 6 times since I first put it in tonight. It reminds me of when I first fell in love with him.

We were in high school. We would sneak off to the church auditorium (I went to a Christian school held in a church building). He would play it for me until we got caught; a few times our music teacher would "pretend" she didn't see us and let us stay. I would just watch him play and imagine spending forever with him. I may have been 17 but I knew we would be together forever. I don't know how I knew....I just did!

I remember our first "date." I was having a Christmas party at my house after the school Christmas concert. I had invited all of my friends including my current boyfriend (who ironically was named Jeremy too). I realized that night that I no longer wanted to be dating this other Jeremy for many reasons, one of which was he wanted to marry me and have "relations" before even talking to my parents or me about it. Praise God that ended!!! Anyway, back to the party. So I dumped the bum and invited Jeremy (the good one) to come instead. My best friends at the time were Erin and Tammi (Erin still is). They thought it was a great idea to invite him but later got kind of "annoyed" that I had. I pretty much ignored them all evening.

We had our first kiss that night too. We were running around in the snow outside. I had stolen his hat (flirting of course) and he was chasing me. We landed in the snow bank and it happened...the first kiss of many! I will never forget that night!

So many wonderful things have happened since that first night. I will go into more detail maybe in later blogs. I love Jeremy Rexford Knapp with every ounce of my being! I can't wait to grow old together and tell our grand kids all about our lives.

Jeremy....if I asked you....would you marry me again? I want to share forever with you! I want to be there when you hurt. I want to be there when you have great times (like tomorrow when we know....your new toy). I can't wait until we are old and have our house with the little porch and we can sit on it together and just talk. I love just talking with you. You are my soul mate, the love of my life! To take a quote from a card I gave you recently, "I don't always tell you right then and there when you're doing something that's making me fall in love with you all over again, but I want you to know that it happens all the time." I love you baby!

Tricia :)

4 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

Ah the memories! I would just like to mention that I was there for that first kiss. And that I (in my 6th grade mind) "Saved" Jeremy and told him where his hat was that night!

DGTDDMD said...

rexford? should i bug him about that name when you come to our house? lol...
you should know, flirting is the devils work. that's what my mom would probably say. but i am glad you flirted. it is great to have you three as family!


Anonymous said...

You guys are so mushy sweet romantic. What is his new toy?

Tricia said...

A new car!!!