Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring....where are you?

Seems I was wrong about the whole spring-being-here-soon thing. It is COLD outside and they actually called for sleet and possible SNOW tonight here in PA. Oh well, guess I will be moving down south soon (I wish).

So, I have been bored today trying to just hang at home, safe from the nasty cold weather. I think I probably should have been praying more. Or reading God's word more. Somehow even when I am bored I forget to do that! What is up with that??? Got to get better.

I have however been praying for our family friend Tricia Lawrenson. She is right now in Duke hospital recovering from a double lung transplant that she has been waiting for a long time. I am in awe of this little family. Her little girl, Gwyneth Rose, was born just a few weeks ago premature and doing great. God is so good and I see evidence of that in their lives. Her husband Nate is a real inspiration to be on how to have faith in the tough times. Check out there site here for more detailed information.

Well, I have nothing else really to speak of. If I think of more I will get back on and blog away. Have a super night!

Tricia :)

1 thoughts on the post:

CFHusband said...

Thank you!