Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Sunday Jeremy and I have been married 6 years. We went out to celebrate tonight and had a great, quiet meal just the two of us. I am so happy!!

I just want to tell Jeremy how much I love him so the rest of you can just read and enjoy!

You are the love of my life. You have been so much more then the man I married, you are my best friend. I know everyone says these things all the time but I truly mean them. No matter what we have gone through, you have been there. This last year has been the most challenging for us with all my surgery and recovery but you never stopped being supportive. Even when I got really "hard to listen too" at times you just kept being there. You are a real example to me of how to trust God even when things are hard. Even when we are "scraping the bottom of the barrel" financially (which is most of the time) you never stop trying to think positive.

You are a real gift to me and Mariah. Speaking of are a super father. Mariah adores you and can't stop talking about you when you are at work all day. She wants to be with you all the time and even told me and grandma the other day she is going to marry you! That speaks volumes about how well you treat her, and me!

I just wanted you to know that on this day and every day I LOVE YOU!!

Love, Me

3 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

How sweet...I am glad you have your prince we just have to get Mariah to realize she can't marry her daddy....just someone like him!
thanks for the note...

DGTDDMD said...

Happy Anniversary! hope you had a great day, and everyday! i am glad to hear that you are driving again. i hope the headaches stop. can't wait to see you guys!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Love you guys! Jerms..I'm so happy you are a part of our family and that you have made my sister so happy! LOVE YA!