Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Birthday My Little Girl

Today you turned 3. I set this post to show up right when you entered the world three years ago...7:58 am, May 16, 2005. I will never forget how I felt when they pulled you out (you were a c-section) and showed you to me. You were a perfect baby...I am your mother so that makes me a bit biased (ask what that means later)...but you were so beautiful.

Your daddy and I are so happy we get to celebrate all our birthdays together. Daddy's was yesterday, your's today, and mine tomorrow. What fun getting to have a big party, all together!! We love you so much and can't wait to see what new things you learn this year.

You learned so much this year. You can count to 10, in English and Spanish. You know all your letters and love to sing the alphabet song. You are learning to use the potty like Mommy and Daddy. So much more that I don't have room to name it all. We are so proud of you!

I am so happy that God let me be your Mommy. I am really excited that you pray with me before bed each night and actually pray yourself. I can't wait for the day that you understand and ask Jesus to save you from your sins. That will be the best day ever!!!

I love you my little baby. Don't grow us too fast!

Mommy :)

2 thoughts on the post:

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet girl!!!!
Eat a huge slab o' cake for me, OK?
You know how me loves the cake slabs..


Anonymous said...


May you continue to grow in God's grace and love. (Kuddos to your parents!)