Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Being a Mommy

Ok, today we are going to discuss mothers. I want your feedback on this blog so make sure to comment.

I used to think that Mom was just the person who, you know, makes things happen and helps you get what you want. I have come to realize in becoming a Mom that those things happen and so much more!! I have come to learn that God calls me to be a guiding light for my little girl. I was given this little gift of joy to mold her to be more like Him. She is not mine but a gift from God that He has asked me to take care of and rear to love Him.

So many times throughout the day as I am "molding" Mariah I get so frustrated and want to just throw my hands up in the air and let her do whatever she wants. But I then remember that if she is to one day come to know this AMAZING God we serve, she has to be molded to His image in her actions and her speech. What a job we have as mothers!!!

I have to stop right now and say thank you to my Mom. She did her best to mold me and my sisters to God's image. I now see that the things I hated about growing up were probably just as hard for her. Raising a child and having to "lay down the law" is harder then some might think. It hurts me to see my little one "going her own way" and not listening to me. But more than that, it hurts God. I try to remind Mariah of that every time I have to punish her. So Mom, thanks for not giving up on us and for doing what God called you to do in raising us. I can now see what a tough but important job it is.

So, give me your feedback on being a mom. I can't imagine doing anything else and I can't wait until God blesses us with another little one to "mold."

Tricia :)

1 thoughts on the post:

Anonymous said...

I can't be anything but proud of you in how you have dealt with this last year. God has given you such a peace about all of it and I know. Cause I've been able to be there with you through some of the most difficult moments.
Watching you be a Mom has been so much fun and such a blessing. Mariah is the CUTEST girl ever, after her Mom and Aunts. What a joy! And hearing her sing Twinkle Twinkle was worth every time I had to listen to it when she went to bed. Love you tons. MoM