Monday, March 10, 2008

The year 2007....time of growing

I just wanted to fill you all in on what the year 2007 was like for our little family. But in order to do that, I need to go back to 2003.

In the summer of 2003 I had been having headaches for 3 months, everyday. They got so bad that I ended up calling the doctor for an appointment to see what was up. I met with him and he ordered a cat scan to see if something was wrong. Well....there was a little something there (they even found a brain...Gail!!). It was a tumor but from what they saw it was small and benign. The reason for the headaches was the tumor was blocking brain fluid from flowing properly. So, in August of 2003 I had my first brain surgery to relieve the fluid blockage. The tumor was left alone as it was not the major problem and was not growing.

I went along with life as normal...having yearly MRI's to make sure everything was fine. Everything was fine and the tumor was not growing.....until my yearly MRI in November of 2006. By this time we had moved to Pennsylvania and I had new doctors. My doctor here was concerned that the tumor was growing. He referred me to Dr. Jeffery Bruce in New York City. I met with him and he confirmed that it was indeed growing. We made plans to have it removed by Dr. Bruce. He removed that tumor January 17, 2007. Praise God it was indeed benign so I did not need any cancer treatments. That was the beginning of a very long year!

Now to the year 2007. This has been the hardest and most stretching year of my life. I have had ups and downs all from the surgery to remove the tumor. Praise God Dr. Bruce was able to remove the tumor because it would have meant more trouble down the road had we decided to leave it alone. has not been easy.

Due to complications from the surgery (all of which we were told about), I have had double vision 24 hours a day since the day of my surgery...which if you are counting is 1 year and almost 3 months. That has been a struggle because it took the life I knew before and slowed it WAY down. I can not drive....which makes more work for my wonderful husband, Jeremy.

Time out to talk about Jeremy.....that man is a gift from God!!! He has been so supportive and helpful during this time. I am madly in love with him!! He has gone the extra mile to help even when he is tired from working 10 hour days. He is the best! He is always there, always loving, always understanding. I know that is what husbands are supposed to do but so many choose not to. I praise God everyday from giving him to me...a gift!!

Ok, back to this year of growing. On top of the double vision, I also have had some small hearing issues. I can not open my eye lids all the way either. The reason for all of this is that the nerve in your brain that makes your eyes work and your hearing work (same nerve by the way) was severed or messed up somehow during the brain surgery.

So, I have been taking care of my baby girl...who is a blessing...with all these issues. I don't tell you all of this to complain...I tell you so you know. And so you can know how to be praying for our little family. I did have surgery again in November of 2007 to help fix the eye issues. That is a process and will be for some time. It has not been easy but I have to stop my ranting to let you know that our God is so amazing!!

I believe with all my heart the God has a purpose for matter what we go through. I can truly say I am thankful for this time....for in tough times is when we grow. There are things that we can only learn through tough times. When you go through tough times, remember God is allowing this time for a purpose. His grace IS sufficient to carry you through...please cling to that!

That is what we are trying to do everyday. I have an appointment on March 17 with the doctor who did this last surgery(Dr. Nicholas Volpe in Philadelphia) to see what the next step is. Hopefully he will be giving me prism glasses to help correct the double vision. It may or may not be time for that. The eyes may be still healing so we will see what he says. Hopefully soon I will be seeing the optical plastic surgeon to talk about a surgery to lift the eyelids to a normal level. So....all in God's timing!

Again, I praise God for all He is teaching me in this time and all He has planned for the future.

Tricia :)

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