Friday, March 14, 2008

Time of refreshing

It is amazing what one night can do for the mood. I had a pretty crappy day yesterday mostly due to my selfishness and down-in-the-dumps feelings. I can't say that I am happy about the situation I am in still but I am trying to accept it.

I think on days when we are feeling sorry for ourselves and want things to change we have to do one thing....TALK TO GOD!!! I had a long conversation with Him as I was falling asleep last night. I told Him exactly how I was feeling. I know He heard me and was there. Nothing fabulous happened, I didn't get some "special revelation," I just know what He says in His word that He is faithful and always there. I know that no matter what I go through, I can rely on Him for the grace I need...WHEN I need it. I truly believe that we get the grace of God when we ask...when we are truly in need. Our God is so good and faithful. All we have to do is trust Him...and stop being so selfish.

Thanks for listening to me on my "soap box" again. Have a great weekend!

Tricia :)

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